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Topics - AresLunthar

Pages: [1] 2 3
Novus 2e / Hope everyone is well
« on: March 16, 2020, 11:26:13 AM »
I know RPG groups tend to be an international community. I hope all is well with your friends and family.

Novus RPG / Just seeing whats going on?
« on: January 30, 2020, 12:46:52 AM »
Anyone have any tales of adventure to share?

Novus 2e / Assigning a $ value to Goal Difficulties
« on: September 07, 2019, 10:45:43 PM »
I was poking around with some of the in process Novus Mini's I have (no, I have not abandoned them completely), and I was wondering if there might be a way to assign a standard reward based on the difficulty of the tasks in a "mission".  Specifically, this might be a cool feature to add to a GM guide for the inevitable "you've been hired to..." hooks that we GMs use.  So, for example, a simple mission has the PCs track a belligerent animal and destroy it after it wreaks havoc on a local farms livestock: I would say this is a 1 Session (3 CP) base, and a (Hopefully) Successful Encounter (+1) for a total of 4CP.  Could we have a reward pre-calculated?  Maybe each CP is worth 1xd10 in Silver or something?  Just a thought...

Novus 2e / Roll20 - Novus
« on: July 29, 2019, 11:55:24 PM »
So, I've been dabbling in Roll20 for a few weeks now and just ran my first full on game using it.  I wonder if it might make sense to write some of the rules for Novus 2.0 with Roll20 (or a similar 3rd party virtual table top) in mind and release a rule set exclusive to it?

Novus RPG / Person vs. the Environment
« on: February 09, 2019, 10:27:35 PM »
So, one element that I really want to develop for my own Novus game is the Person vs. the Environment element of a plot.  In my latest Novus Mini I am plotting out a tracking situation and wondering: WWND (What Would Novus Do?)?  So, I refer to the Stategic Movement table on pg. 90 and assume that a PC can only move at a careful walk while tracking.....but, how frequently does the Tracking roll happen?  And, what is the modifier for tracking in the different types of Terrains.  My nerd brain is racing with ideas.  What do your think?

Novus RPG / Calculating Experience
« on: February 09, 2019, 01:03:43 AM »
So, I honestly don't usually use XP.  But, for Jenaerika it's a tool for paying the PCs for their adventures so I am taking a stab at it.

So, for a single player I would use:

Base XP : 30
Successful Adventure : +50
1x Encounter : +15
Accomplished Personal Goal : +10

Total : 105

Does this seem correct?

Novus RPG / Costs and Potions, Scrolls, and Herbal Remedies
« on: February 08, 2019, 12:06:47 PM »
Novus has a small section on Potions, Scrolls, and Herbal Remedies.  Does anyone else find the costs really expensive?  Particularly for potions.  Anyway, I started looking at the money breakdown table.  If we assume that a Bronze piece is the equivalent of a dollar (easy for us Canadians & Americans) this would mean that most simple items (shirts, lanterns, etc) cost between 1-10 BP.  Then, as you work your way up you find that an Herbal Remedy of Healing costs 10 GP which is only 1 GP less than a 20' Boat.  My understanding is an Herbal Remedy is positioned to be the most accessible of the magical player aids......but, it is quite unobtainable for low-level adventurers.  I am wondering if the costs should be revisited or re-scaled into a base of Silver Pieces not Gold Pieces.

I am currently working on the Adventurers Guild/Players Guide for Jenaerika and one of the core concepts of the guild is that the PCs can buy adventuring equipment & supplies from it.  But, also, they guild buys back at 50% any magic items etc that the PCs may find.  So, if a PC finds a potion of Charisma, based on the Novus costing, they can sell it for 100 GP and essentially retire on a float of 10,000 BP or 100,000 CP (which is a lot of Good Lodging and Ale) LOL

Any thoughts?

Novus RPG / Novus Mini #6
« on: January 30, 2019, 11:57:31 AM »
Another Mini, this time starting to delve into the Under City of Eldagoth.  Going to try and finish the CotET this week!

Any feedback or contributions are welcome as always!

Novus RPG / Should I keep posting?
« on: January 23, 2019, 03:38:38 PM »
Do you folk want me to keep posting Mini's and Micro Settings?  Or, are we going to focus on 2.0?

Novus RPG / Brainstorming....for a Star Wars-esque micro setting
« on: January 12, 2019, 01:23:49 AM »
Hello all....
As the subject suggests I am trying to collect some ideas for a Space Opera setting and am looking for ideas on Blasters, Space Ships, Psionics....and a Tech skill that functions like Magecraft.  Any help would be welcome!


Novus RPG / Welcome Vradek
« on: January 10, 2019, 03:24:15 PM »
I hope you enjoy Novus!

Novus RPG / Jenaerika v3
« on: January 10, 2019, 03:23:32 PM »
Updated to include The Trinity; as classic fantasy priestly order for play in Jenaerika...the setting keeps growing every week LOL

Novus RPG / anybody remember where the rules for banishing demons are?
« on: January 10, 2019, 02:44:53 PM »
Trying to create a few custom priest for JENAERIKA.....

General Discussion / The count down to Captain Marvel is on
« on: January 08, 2019, 02:24:53 PM »
Anyone else excited?

Novus RPG / A PCs interaction with the physical world
« on: January 02, 2019, 03:21:08 PM »
One of the elements of Novus (and many games in fact) I would like to see expanded is the rules for how a PC interacts with the game world.  By this I mean lifting, carrying, leaping, climbing, swimming etc.  In my experience clearly defining these actions should be the core of any RPG.  I know when Novus was being developed we looked at things like movement and settled on them being size based and related to size (to basically set a "stride") for each creature.  This was the easiest way to incorporate size into the game.  I'm not really opposed to it necessarily but am wondering if we can brainstorm other ideas.

For example:  Lifting.  Exactly how much can a PC lift?  Until a player or GM knows this it's not fair for a GM to use it as a challenge and uncertain on how the player can use it to their advantage.  To me I think this can be related easily to size again.  Maybe height and weight are part of the CharGen process somehow and a PCs lift TNs are based off %s of their weight?  I would imagine any physical training a warrior or such doing being solely based off of using their body this seems like the obvious measure.. something like 50% of your weight being a TN 15 etc...

Any thoughts?

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