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Messages - witchking20k

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Novus 2e / Re: Using HARP attack tables with Novus 1e & 2e
« on: February 18, 2022, 03:38:40 PM »

So, I used Novus 1e. At the time it was just called Defense & Armor Rating. So, the Attack Roll - Defense + Armor Rating (net attack roll) would make it the same formula as in HARP. Your net attack roll would be compared to the attack Table.

So, an attack roll of 23 vs a Defense of 14 + Armor Rating of +4 would be 23-(14+4)=+5. On the scale I provided that would be the +4 - +5 result (equal to a 21-30) on the HARP tables. A Slash attack would yield: Solid blow to his back, but work on that
follow through. 9 Hits

Novus 2e / Using HARP attack tables with Novus 1e & 2e
« on: February 18, 2022, 01:17:17 PM »
Howdy, if you are interested in how to use HARP attack tables with Novus 1e or 2e it's pretty simple.

There are Three factors that you'll have to customize: 1) the Novus attack sizes need Damage modifiers instead of Base Damage values, 2) Armor has to be assigned a Damage Modifier instead of an Armor Rating, and 3) the roll results on the HARP attack table.

1) The Novus Attack sizes already align with the HARP attack sizes. So really all you have to do is recalculate the HARP damage modifier into a 2d10 resolution mechanic by dividing it by 5 and do the same with the Damage Cap. So,

Huge +4 / 24
Large +2 /22
Medium +0/20
Small -2/18
Tiny -4/16

2) Armor works basically except that to properly balance with the 2d10 system rather than the d100 system you need to rebalance the base Armors as SL +2, RL +4, CH +6, SC +8, PL +10

3) The HARP attack tables use increments of 10 as tiers of damage. this will get a little wonky in a pure math sense to all we do is reinterpret them as each being 2 increments of +1, starting with +0.

so in Novus that would look like this:
+0 - +1
+2 - +3
+4 - +5
+6 - +7
+8 - +9
+10 - +11
+12 - +13
+14 - +15
+16 - +17
+18 - +19
+20 - +21

Overall, this is really easy to implement in game. The one thing that you might want to be careful of is setting the base Defense as 13+modifiers rather than 15+ modifiers for PCs. I tapped this out at work so let me know if I missed anyhting!

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 11, 2022, 08:20:28 PM »
Wow-Very nice map!

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 08, 2022, 07:08:58 PM »
True. I really enjoy the old MERP modules too. I think they set the tone well without being too heavy in intro stuff. Mind you, they were set in ME, so likely the reader was at least familiar with it...

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 08, 2022, 06:17:45 PM »
100% agree. That first 3-4 pages of the SW modules set the tone and made it so you could use the book as a stand alone adventure.

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 08, 2022, 05:25:31 PM »
Yup- I've been referring to those forums too. Might be a good idea to move these all to the same area? Are you thinking classic ICE style module? Overview of the locale with a couple extended adventures, a couple short adventures, and a bunch of adventure seeds?

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 08, 2022, 09:14:33 AM »
Cool. Is there a map of Na-Kutha? It seems like a nice place to start as you can sort of travel there from the established lands of Tir Tuath and then explore north towards the hills and mountains or cross the river into the forested areas. I love adventuring in "frontier" type locales, so it seems perfect for me to develop some short adventures centered around there.

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Maps for QuickStart - The Tomb of Aosath Bak
« on: February 08, 2022, 07:05:05 AM »
Howdy. I'm thinking I may develop this region for a mini-campaign of my own. A couple questions:
1) I assume the word Afron means river, what does Na-Kutha mean? Is it the name of the marked city or the region as a whole? From what I see this region is situated in the Iron Hills, bordering Aelftyr, about 50 miles north-east of the Tir Tuath.
2) Have you developed a social/economic/political lay of the land for the area? Do you have any ideas already established that I should use?

Map Gallery / Re: In Search of Jafry
« on: February 03, 2022, 08:03:03 AM »
Very cool - thanks

Other Game Systems / Re: RM Revision
« on: February 02, 2022, 07:03:37 PM »
Yah- I was a part of those too. That RM revision was shaping up pretty well IMO. The armor & spell casting being more "heroic" were big appeals to me.

Map Gallery / Re: In Search of Jafry
« on: February 02, 2022, 07:01:47 PM »
That would be great! I'm supposed to GM a game for 3-4 sessions for a new group mostly 5Eers. So, I'm sort of gauging which game to GM when the time comes.

Other Game Systems / Re: RM Revision
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:16:02 PM »
I think the more I play, the more I appreciate MERP and RMX. The streamlined presentation of the rules, re-playability, and approachability of these rulesets made them great stand alone games. I've said before: if RMX would have included a Ranger & Mentalist rather than an Animist plus used the ATs 5/13/17 as the base ATs for would have been a nearly perfect introduction to RM.

Map Gallery / Re: In Search of Jafry
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:11:37 PM »
Also, totally barrowing that B&W map for an upcoming short adventure. Might be using Novus 2.0.

Novus 2e / Re: Foundry Virtual Tabletop
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:09:05 PM »
Changed the character sheet to none - and added 4 basic roll macros to a sample character ; Attack Roll, Damage Calculator, Initiative, and Skill/Save vs TN. Plus gave a bad guy some stats so you can beat it up.

Novus 2e / Re: Foundry Virtual Tabletop
« on: February 02, 2022, 09:48:41 AM »
Exactly - and in the case of RM it recues the the "complicated" math. for Novus the base skill roll is

/r 2d10! and then I add in a + Bonus option vs. TN15/18/etc

For combat you can have that same roll target an attribute in one of those 3 bars - i use those bars as Hits Defense and Armor Rating.

I can't write an advanced enough macro to track nova rolls or anything but we make it work.

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