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Topics - Rasyr

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Novus 2e / Exceeding Skill Rank limits
« on: September 24, 2020, 08:38:01 AM »
One of the rules in Novus says that you you are limited to no more than 1 rank in a skill for every 20 XP (or portion thereof) in the character.

A starting character is 100 XP, so that puts a cap of 5 ranks in any given skill.

But as I just discovered in attempting to make a character (Dwelf/Arboreal/Treewraith/Scout), you can end up with more than 5 ranks in a skill (this build ended with 6 ranks in Stealth and I have not yet purchased any skill ranks yet).

I figure that we have 2 options for correcting this:

  • Leave it be -- just put a note that sometime package combinations can grant higher than normally allowed skill ranks , and that those skill simply cannot have ranks purchased in them until such time as their CP/XP Total is high enough to allow it. (in the above case, the character I am building would not be allowed to buy ranks  Stealth until he has 120+ points combined in  XP and also has the CP needed to purchase another rank in Stealth)
  • Shift to another Favored Skill -- As it says, points above those allowed are shifted to a different Favored Skill, thus the +6 in Stealth becomes +5 and the point is moved to a different Favored Skill from the Training Package (limited to the Training Package since that is the lst package to be acquired, it is what would logically be adjusted, allowing the character to adjust their training accordingly.

Each has its positives and negative. Personally, while I do not like exceeding the limits, it is the simplest solution and the easiest to verify for those GMs who might have players who like to use creative accounting when making characters

Thoughts? Comments?

Novus 2e / Weapons Training
« on: September 18, 2020, 10:45:58 AM »
I just came across a point that I had totally not thought about previously

In v14, there are 2 Weapons Training Talents, each giving a lower cost to the acquisition of Weapon Proficiencies (which are totally gone now).

What I would like to do is to replace them as follows........

  • If you do NOT have Weapons Training, you do NOT get to use the NPB (Non Proficiency Bonus) as an add-on to your Defensive Threshold (DT) at all (i.e. pure magic users would NOT get this bonus)
  •  Weapons Training I (2 CP) -- Gains NPB bonus of 1 per 5 ranks in best melee skill. This applies to  both DT and to using weapons where you have no skill (and to brawling attacks).
  • Weapons Training II (3 CP) -- as Weapons Training I, but the bonus is 1 per every 4 ranks.

Thoughts? Comments?

Novus 2e / Stun Question
« on: September 16, 2020, 01:36:42 PM »
Currently, we have 3 combat conditions collectively known as Stun

Dazed, Stun, and Stagger.

To me, especially when writing, this  causes confusion, to the point where I want to try and explain which "Stun" I mean (i.e. Stun in general, to Stun in the specific condition.

Therefore, I am thinking that all 3 Conditions should be collectively referred to a Stun, and that the Specific condition called Stun should be renamed.

I am thinking renaming it to Shock. So we have Daze, Shock, and Stagger, and if you have one or more rounds of these, you are considered to be Stunned.

Thoughts? Comments? Alternate names for "Shock"?



Novus 2e / Combat Styles
« on: September 15, 2020, 06:04:45 AM »
We touched upon this in another thread, but I felt it deserved a topic thread of its own.

Working on updating the Training Paths with the changes to the Combat Skills and there are several Training Paths that actually gain Tiers in a Combat Style.

In the other thread, we talked about adding some sort of knowledge skill for the styles.

but right now, there is no way to prevent the character from taking a single rank and leaving it like that.

One thing we discussed is requiring a number of ranks in reverse to the opposite to the Tier level

I.e. limited to Tier 1 if you have less than 5 ranks, limited to Tier 2 if you have less 9 ranks, etc...

If we implement this, then characters, like the Diwhar (TWC focuses character) would drop from starting with Tier 2 to starting with only Tier 1 in the Style.

If we go with this change, there would be no limit on the Attack Bonuses (other than the max ranks allowed based on total XP that the character has).

Does this sound good?

Thoughts? Comments?


Novus 2e / Novus Beta update thread
« on: September 13, 2020, 03:48:03 PM »
I figured that it might be a good idea to create a thread where I can post updates on the next version of the Beta.

I finally finshed reworking the spells last week. I even got them into the pagemaker file.

I have since then begun working through the manuscript updating other items. Here is a partial list of the updates/changes taking place.
  • Removing the Boon/Snag system and tables
  • renaming the things that you spend Fate Points on as Boons
  • Moving the newly renamed Boons out of the Finishing Touches chapter
  • adding Boons for dealing Secondary Damage & Wounds
  • making changes so that Fate Points are more easily earned (i.e. similar to how Boon Points used to be)
  • Fixing skills  (changing Unarmed to martial Arts and  providing basic styles; fixing Influence so that is a single style of skill (in some places it was treated as a sub-skill and in others as a specialty skill)
  • Fixing Training Paths that use Unarmed to match the changes in skills
  • Fixing Unarmed in the Combat Chapter
  • removing Boon Points and Snag Points from throughout the manuscript
  • fixing the Running Novus chapter (i.e. Boons and Snags)
  • changing the thresholds for Type II damage, and correcting errors about how it works
  • Creating Wound system that also  uses Thresholds
  • Changing how wounds are calculated (for how many you can receive)
  • Update all the creatures to accomodate the other changes made.
I am sure that I am making others as well, but that is all that I can think of at the moment.

Novus 2e / Fate Points and Dice rolls...
« on: September 11, 2020, 02:58:46 PM »
Ok, several of the Boons that you can spend Fate Points on will affcet dice rolls, either your own or somebody elses. And I will be adding Boons to the list that also deal specific damage.


The question is -- Should these be done BEFORE dice rolls? After? Does it matter? Should there be a different cost if done before with the cost being higher afterwards?

For example, one of the Boons is that you spend 2 Fate Points and roll a d10 and apply the result to a dice roll that does not directly affect you (i.e. to somebody making an attack against a Foe, or casting a healing spell on themselves, etc.). Should that 2 FP cost only be for BEFORE the other player or GM rolls the dice (and thus chance spending the Fate Points for no real effect)?

Should it cost 3 FP for them to do it AFTER they know the result of the the dice roll?

Thoughts? Opinions?



Novus 2e / Boon Points
« on: September 08, 2020, 10:02:21 PM »
Ok, I know that this got discussed slightly elsewhere.

Once thing that I am finding is that Boon Point are woven throughout the manuscript.

So, while I am removing the Boon/Snag Point tables, I am not removing Boon Points or Snag Points (thus the tables could be re-introduced in a later product).

As mentioned elsewhere, Wounds will be based on the Type I and Type II  damage thresholds as the triggers for gaining them (in addition to all other secondary damage)

Wound Thresholds
 Wound Level Threshold
Minor? 10 Hits total (after AR)
Major? 10 + Type I Threshold Hits
Dire? 10 + Type II Threshold Hits
  Only one type of wound is dealt per attack in this manner

And so, in addition to the damage, Boon Points can still be gained, and you can either spend them on Fate Point Options (they will have both FP and BP costs) that are appropriate to the situation.

Or, they can trade them 2 BP for 1 FP (Boon Points must be immediately spent, Fate Points can be saved).

Thoughts? Comments?

Novus 2e / DO we want to keep the Nova Roll?
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:52:39 PM »
The topic says it all.


Do we really want to keep the Nova Roll? It requires the GM to do extra thing for it, and it can cause other issues as well. It is an extra complication that is not really needed.


Thoughts? Comments?

Announcements / New Site Layout/Look
« on: September 06, 2020, 09:35:47 AM »
I hope you guys like the new look. It is similar to the old one, but updated a bit in some ways.

Novus 2e / Quick Start
« on: September 03, 2020, 10:56:55 AM »
Ok, I had created a topic regarding thison the first forum I had set up the other day, before I found this one and discovered I could import the old SMF forums into it (recovering all those previous posts! Yay!!!!).

Witchking20k posted a file to that thread and if I had been smart, I would have downloaded it so that I could attach it over here.

But the basic idea here is to create 4-6 characters (possibly more), and then have a short, simple adventure for those characters to play through as a way of showing off the system.

There would be a small overview of the basic rules, and then in the text of the Adventure, we would use breakout boxes for any rules specific to a given situation/challenge in the adventure.

For example, the Adventurers come upon a locked door. There would be a breakout box for how to check for traps and one for picking the lock (maybe one for simply busting it open, since abilities will be based on the characters used), as well as for resolving the trap, in case it is set off and not disarmed....)

General Discussion / New forums (with SMF Forums content) Live!!!!
« on: September 02, 2020, 01:27:30 PM »
still have some tweaking to do, but the forums, using the SMF content from the old forums is now live!!!

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