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Messages - Dimirag

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General Discussion / Re: Spears tend to get the shaft....
« on: February 02, 2023, 06:50:45 PM »
Spears and maybe polearms having a "reach" quality that gives a defense bonus is not unheard, it works.
Should it be a permanent weapon bonus of being a combat modifier?
If its a combat modifier a spear vs spear combat won't receive the bonus, the opponent is far, but your weapon can reach it thus nullifying the bonus.

I know I always give weird ideas, but, how about using something similar to range penalties of melee?
Maybe melee is also divide in close, mid, and far ranges and you get an attack penalty based on the longer weapon used between you and your opponent (this would require that each weapon have a range category, unarmed and daggers would be Close, polearms and spears would be far, the rest is mid, unless you want extra distances)

Novus 2e / Re: Libram Arcanis update
« on: December 10, 2022, 08:24:09 AM »
Awesome news!

Anwyn, The Sundered Isle / Re: Hyb Rasil (WIP - Work in Progress)
« on: September 06, 2022, 05:28:41 PM »
That map has  lot of work on it, congrats on doing such a job!

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 25, 2022, 05:30:56 PM »

If I have a combat skill with 12 ranks:
-Mayor Proficiency: +12 (equal to skill rank)
-Minor Proficiency: +4 (+1e/3)
-No Proficiency: +2 (+1e/5)
-Other combat Skills and DT:
--No Combat Training: +0
--Combat Training I: +2 (+1e/5)
--Combat Training II: +3 (+1e/4)

I just realized something:
A character with Combat II will have a +1e/5 ranks when using the skill w/out proficiency
The same character will have a +1e/4 ranks on skills with no ranks.
Blades (Short) 12 ranks
With Short Blades (proficiency): +12
With Blades non-proficiency: +2 (12/5)
With Blades minor proficiency:  +4 (12/3)
With other combat skills: +3 (12/4)

The character will be better with non-proficient weapons outside of his skill than with non-proficient weapons inside of the skill...
Should it be made that the NPB also works with the same skill?

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 25, 2022, 11:25:48 AM »
technically correct, BUT, if you wanted to be a nice GM

Allow them to use the higher of NPB or ranks in the skill....

as  they do not actually lose what they already know from the other skills

Cool, I was thinking on doing that.

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 25, 2022, 11:13:43 AM »
Oh, I though Combat Training and Proficiency combined somehow. But reading the paragraph again, plus your explanation I think I have it, naming the Proficiencies, and having it on its name I though the bonus where based on mainly on having a proficiency...

-Non Proficiency Bonus is for combat skills with no ranks and for DT and is based on Combat Proficiency
-Skill bonus is based on Proficiency alone.

If I have a combat skill with 12 ranks:
-Mayor Proficiency: +12 (equal to skill rank)
-Minor Proficiency: +4 (+1e/3)
-No Proficiency: +2 (+1e/5)
-Other combat Skills and DT:
--No Combat Training: +0
--Combat Training I: +2 (+1e/5)
--Combat Training II: +3 (+1e/4)

(Combat Training only affects DT and the bonus for non-ranked skills, it does not affect skills with ranks).
If I have a +3NPB and gain 1 rank in a skill, then it goes to +1 instead of being +3 right?

Sorry for being bothersome with many questions.

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 25, 2022, 09:57:14 AM »
I see those TP in a similar way, only not being as resilient as fighters, and Bounty Hunters being more combat oriented as their goal involves a target while scouts are less focused on targeting at close distance and rogues are more in line of not getting involved in fights. But I understand your posture.

The Proficiency Special Skill says:
Unlearned: +1/5 ranks
Minor: +1/3 ranks
Core: +1/rank

The NPB says that the proficiencies work the same as for non-combat skill but:
Combat Training 0: No bonus
Combat Training I: +1/5 ranks
Combat Training II: +1/4 ranks

Should Minor Prof and CTII share the same mod? (+1/3 as stated on the special skill)
Or is the difference used to give Minor Proficiencies a reason to be bought on combat skills?

NPB  for non-combat skill works based on whether the PC has the proficiency or not, and NPB for combat skills works based on both having (or not) the proficiency and what combat training the TP provides right?

Is the NPB based on the highest combat skill? And does it applies always regardless of what weapon/skill the character uses at the moment?

Also, it says it can be applied to other combat skills if the PC does not have said skill, so If my PC does not have a skill, it uses the NPB, but if he acquires 1 point in that skill, the NPB is lost... Or should use the higher bonus at a moment?

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 24, 2022, 07:43:16 PM »
Regarding Training Paths:

Fighters get +12 Base Vitality
Adepts: +6 or +12 Base Vitality
Casters get no bonus
Hybrids get +6 Base Vitality

I think that:
Bounty Hunters: Should gain a little more Vitality, they tend to be more combat oriented.
Rogues and Scouts should have a lesser bonus, they have the same as Fighters, maybe.
+9 sounds ok for the hole group.
Rogues and Scouts would receive 2CP each, Bounty Hunters would have to lose skills sadly...

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 23, 2022, 05:03:35 PM »
Making starting characters Journeyman makes more sense.

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 23, 2022, 03:08:52 PM »
Using it as a guide, converting skills ranks to XP:
Apprentice -> Very Low Rank: 100XP or less.
Journeyman -> Low Rank: 101-240XP
M. Tradesman -> Middle Rank:241-400XP
M. Artisan -> High Rank: 401-600XP
Gran Master -> Very High Rank: 601 and beyond.

Using round numbers (bumped up so a starting character can remain in the initial rank a little):
Very Low (Starting) 150 or less.
Low (Advanced): 151 to 300
Medium (Experienced): 301 to 450
High (Seasoned): 451 to 600
Very High (Veteran): 601 and above.

Novus 2e / Re: Questions
« on: July 23, 2022, 02:08:08 PM »
Cool, I was thinking something similar:

Stat Increase (Special Skill) (8+CP)
Each time that this Special Skill is acquired, you can increase one of the character's Primary Stats by 1 point but no Stat can be increased more than 2 times.
This may only be acquired once per 100XP the character has and to a maximum of 7 times.

The cost is based on how many times the Stat has been increased and how close its to its allowed maximum.

First Increase:
-Stat is 3 or more under the max: 8CP.
-Stat is 2 or less under the max: 9CP.
Second Increase:
-Stat is 3 or more under the max: 9CP.
-Stat is 2 or less under the max: 10CP.

As for Secondary Stats, maybe only for Saving Throws:
0-99 - No modifier
100-199 - +1 to one ST of the player choice
200-299- +1 to every ST
300-399- +1 to one ST of the player choice
And so on...
This would make them increase in a similar way to 1ed

BTW: An optional rule (maybe for a LS) that may be cool is to use only Secondary Stats for skill rolls also, this would require some extra Secondary Stats such as Brawn (Str + Dex).

Question: What would be some PC XP benchmarks?
Something like: Rookie, Advanced, Experienced, Veteran, Retired.

Novus 2e / Questions
« on: July 22, 2022, 06:34:46 PM »
OK, first question: Can Stats (primary and secondary) be increased after character creation? I didn't find rules for purchasing Background Options nor a Special Skill for doing it.

Novus 2e / Re: Libram Arcanis Progress Report
« on: July 22, 2022, 12:51:37 PM »
I think releasing it as a freeby is the way to go, it avoids adding more stuff to the LA.

That sounds interesting
I thought about making it a 2pts non-trainable talent which would give 3 points for combat moves per buy. Martial Artists and Monks have them x2 (4 point cost, 6 point for moves).
But, with combat moves limited by the amount of skill ranks, it means the player would have to go back and forth between the skill and the moves, but I could make that those points may be saved until the character has enough "move slots".

Option 2: Making that the moves purchased doesn't count against the skill limit, but this could mean that a player could buy cheaper moves to increase its repertoire...

Option 3: Cost 2 points per buy and just allows 1 extra move to be purchased outside the skill limit. I know it could be a huge improvement for characters without the Combat Training talent

One of the inspirations for this game was a percentile based game that had what was often called "diminishing returns" where the first 10 ranks in a skill gave a +5 bonus per rank, and the next 10 gave +2 per rank and then 0.5 bonus per rank for each rank after.

The increasing costs reflect this concept of diminishing returns, higher ranks cost more to acquire, thus are harder to get.

Yes, this will actually lead to more well-rounded characters overall....

If you want to do a flat cost, I would recommend taking the costs for 20 ranks, total them and then divide by 20. This would work out to be 3 (3.25 rounded down) points per rank for Favored, and 6 per rank for standard.

Or if going by a theoretical max of 30 ranks, the costs would be 5 and 8 respectively.
The game really reminded me of that game made by the guys from "frozen water"...
I may do 4/6/8 if allowing multiclassing. Maybe 2/3/4 at character creation as to keep the character creation points from become less useful on skill purchases.
(These costs reminds me of another d00 game, one with a name similar to Lyre)

when figuring stats, I always considered bonuses to be worth twice as much as the minuses. Plus do not forget that the actual size changes will have other benefits

Smaller = harder to notice
Larger = better at intimidation

Basically some rough intangibles..
Will take that into consideration.

The Warrior Mage on LN#4 has the Talent Weapon Bond, its not on LN#3, is this a Trainable Talent?

I've noted that with time, points and GM permission any class can buy the Fighter and Martial Artist Talent, as they are Trainable.
In order of making multiclassing into those classes the same as into any other I'm thinking 1 of 2 options:
1: Combat Training is a Non-Trainable Talent (you must "unlock it" buy purchasing the corresponding class)
2: Trainable Talents after Character Generation have an increased cost, but haven't thought the amount, x1.5? Double? A flat 5points? One one hand, it will make more expensive to buy Talents, but I'm thinking of not using levels, so there won't be a set budget to worry about.

Thanks for the fast response, sorry to bring stuff from an older edition, but I really liked the old beta file, and buy the game once I could, 2ed is on my wish list, but buying in Dollars is complicated where I live in, so 1ed was on my allowed budget hehe

Novus (both editions) are designed to be hackable and for it to be easy to do it, while being difficult to break when doing so.
That's one of its main points to me, I'm a very "hack what I play" guy.

Just be careful there. If I remember correctly, I made the change after realizing that Natural Ability could be abuse if it was for more than one skill, and thus entertainer is there for two non-combat, non-magic skill.

But having said that, if it works for you, go for it.
Thanks for the advice, I may play a little with some options to see what feels better.

I'm also thinking on replacing the Martial Artist & Monk "Combat Moves" talent with another, as by itself it does not bring any special benefit (maybe creating a non-trainable Talent that gives more points for combat moves instead of the 1:1 rate).

2 more questions (again, sorry for the memory lane):

1- With the 5 ranks per level purchase limit, and the escalating cost, I fear that players will increase rapidly on a few skills and then when the cost gets high start increasing other skills (specially with the XP cost per level also increasing)
I'm thinking on removing levels (nothing new, there's an option for that), but also to make a flat cost for skills.
Do you think is a bad idea? Should I use a medium value for costs or keep the initial ones?

2- LN#3 incorporates Dwarfism and Gigantism, both with a 10pts cost, but giving a +2 to two stats and -2 to two other, the modifiers balance each other, is the cost paid for something extra I'm not seeing?

Again, thanks for your time.

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