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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

The final step in preparing for play is to equip your character. To make things easier, we recommend that characters start with the following equipment. However, this is actually up to the Game Master (GM) to decide based upon his campaign.

For example, a campaign that starts off with the characters as slaves or in jail will likely start off with no equipment at all, while other campaigns may provide the starting characters with even more equipment than we recommend here.

Each character will, therefore, begin the game, unless the GM says otherwise, with the following:

  • Tools of the Trade – Each character will begin with certain equipment that is based solely on his Character Class. This equipment should be considered as worn, but very serviceable.

    Note: As for the new Classes from Libram Novus #4, the Beastmaster, Ranger, and Warrior Mage should receive the same starting equipment as the Archer/Thief. The Monk should recieve the same starting equipment as the Martial Artist.
    • Fighter/Scout – 2 weapons of choice (including scabbards and/or ammunition), Normal Shield and Armor, Helm, Bracers, and Greaves all made of Reinforced Leather.
    • Archer/Thief – 2 weapons of choice (including scabbards and/or ammunition) and Armor, Helm, Bracers, and Greaves of Soft Leather; Thieves also get a set of Lockpicks.
    • Martial Artist – 2 weapons of choice (including scabbards and/or ammunition) and a set of Bracers of the player’s choice.
    • Minstrel – 2 weapons of choice (including scabbards and/or ammunition), 1 musical instrument of the player’s choice and Armor, Helm, Bracers, and Greaves of Soft Leather.
    • Mage (Classic/Dual) – 2 weapons of choice (including scabbards and/or ammunition), a spellbook (for recording notes and research about spells) and any casting foci (wand, component bag, crystal, etc) as required by their School of Magic.
  • Standard Pack – Characters also begin with a Backpack that contains the following list of items. If the Player would prefer that his character has a Framepack instead of a Backpack, he may upgrade by paying 13 copper pieces out of his character’s Starting Money (the difference in price between the 2 types of pack).
    • 50’ Superior Rope
    • 1 canvas sack
    • 2 weeks of iron rations
    • 1 small steel mirror
    • 1 waterskin full of water
    • 1 flask of oil
    • 1 small lantern
    • 1 set of Flint & Steel
    • 1 Bedroll
  • At Belt Items – The character needs something to hang his weapons on, not to mention belt pouches and a dagger.
    • Equipment Belt
    • 2 belt pouches
    • 1 dagger
  • Clothing – Every character starts off with a little clothing. He begins with 2 outfits, which includes the one he is wearing, that is based on his Background and Character Class. An Upper Class Urban Minstrel will likely have much finer clothing than a Lower Class Urban Thief.
    • 2 sets of clothing
    • 1 cloak
    • 1 set of soft leather boots
  • Starting Money – While a certain amount of starting equipment is given to characters, the Player may want to purchase a few additional items.
    • Starting Money: 10 + 1d10 sp
  • GM’s Choice (optional) – It is recommended that if the campaign is going to involve a lot of wilderness travel, that the GM also provide the character with a mount that is appropriate to the setting
    • 1 Mount – The Player may select a mount of his choice that is no larger, or more expensive than a Light Horse. However, Players should be allowed to upgrade his mount to a larger or more expensive one, such as a Riding Dog or Medium Horse, by paying the difference between the price of the Light Horse and the desired mount. Choosing a lesser mount does not give the character the difference in the price of the Light Horse and the lesser mount.
    • 1 Saddle & Tack – This is all of the gear needed to properly ride the mount.
    • 1 Set Saddle Bags – This includes a feed bag or feeding dish for the mount as well.