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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

Lvl: 3 Hits: 24 Move: 10’
DEF: 21 AR:  
Attacks: 12 Claws (8)
Stats: Chr: 10(0)/5; Con: 10(0)/5; Dex: 15(1)/6;
  Int: 15(1)/6; Spd: 18(2)/7; Str: 6(-2)/3;
  Will: 7(-1)/7; Wis: 18(2)/7
Skills: Perc. (7); Stealth (8); Tracking (17)
Size: 2’-3’ long; 15-20 lbs
# Enc: 1


  • Sense Magic by scent (range: 10’)
  • Regenerate (1 hit per minute)
  • Shape change: hag (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • Speak in tongues (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • Speak with animals (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • +15 to Stealth in darkness (not figured in)
  • Greater Nightvision (as per the Talent)

Grimalkin are sometimes known as Shadow Cats because their normal form is that of a large black cat. This creature’s form is so dark, that it gets a huge bonus to Stealth attempts in darkness. This makes them excellent spies.

The Grimalkin has a number of other abilities as well. It can sense magic by smell at ranges up to 10’ and it regenerates 1 hit worth of damage every minute. It can also see extraordinarily well in darkness. Additionally, it has a few other abilities that it can used once per day, for up to an hour. This include the ability to shape change into an old hag, the ability to Speak in Tongues (i.e. speak any language), and the ability to speak to any animal.

Grimalkin are highly prized as familiars because, unlike Alastor, a Grimalkin will never cause problems for their masters. They are of the belief that their own presence is enough of a predilection towards evil, regardless of what they profess.

Like the Alastor, the Grimalkin may, no more than once per month, reveal the given name of any one lesser or greater Devil.