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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

The only thing that gives them away is their slightly pointed ears. Unlike their Elven parents, many Half-Elven males are capable of growing beards. Half-Elves usually live to be around 300 years old.

Demeanor: Half-Elves will have an attitude and outlook on life based on where they are raised, who they are raised by, and how that culture views those with mixed parentage.

Appearance: Half-Elves resemble humans more than they do Elves, ranging from 5’2” to 5’8” tall, with slim builds, and weighing from 150 to 180 lbs on average. Hair and skin color can vary widely, just as with humans. The only real tell-tale of Elven parentage is that they have slightly pointed ears.

Stat Modifiers: +1 Charisma, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, -1 Strength, -2 Willpower

Size: Medium (Base Movement: 10’ per Action Point)

Special Abilities:

Nightvision, Lesser: This ability allows the character to see, when outdoors on a bright night, up to 500’ as if it were just a very dark day. When he is indoors, this allows the character to see twice as far as the light source normally allows.

Enhanced Senses: Excellent senses grant a +1 bonus to all Perception rolls.

Skill Flexibility: The player may select 2 Standard Skills to be classified as Favored Skills for his character. This applies to individual skills only, not all instances of a skill that needs to be specialized.