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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition


Cost Snags
1 Fumble object in hand, spend 1 round regaining control of it.
1 Spells: Spell seems to be cast normally, but has totally benign effect (neither helpful nor harmful)
1 Strain a muscle. -1 to all actions for 10 minutes.
1 Takes an extra round to complete the task being attempted.
1 The failure results in an unexpectedly loud noise (or expletive), alerting any foe’s within 100’ of the character’s presence.
2 Accidentally hurt yourself doing 1d10 hits of damage. Damage reduction from armor worn does apply.
2 Break item held in hand
2 Character botches the attempted task, and has to start over from the beginning.
2 Combat: Accidentally strike nearest friend within proper range (new attack roll).
2 Spells: Spell is cast correctly but targets wrong person nearest to target (i.e. attack targets caster’s friend, beneficial spell targets nearest foe)
3 Combat: Break your weapon in such a way that you do double its normal damage to yourself in the process. This bypasses any armor the character is wearing.
3 Spells: Caster internalizes the spell, taking an amount of damage equal to his Will Stat Bonus times the number of spell points of the spell.