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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

Dragons are creatures of legend. Dragons are vastly powerful creatures, both physically and magically. It is said by some scholars that Dragons were among the first creatures to arise, that they soared across the skies when humans were still living in trees.

Whether this is true or not, we may never know, but history and legends are filled with Dragons as far back as anybody can remember.

Unlike other creatures, we present you with not one, but 5 different stat blocks for Dragons. We have provided one stat block for each “age” or stage of development that that a Dragon has. Wyrmlings cannot fly, and Wyrmlings and Young Dragons cannot cast spells.

When a Dragon becomes an Adult Dragon, he may learn spells from a single School of Magic. When he becomes an Old Dragon, he can learn spells from a second School of Magic and when he becomes an Ancient Dragon, he may learn spells from a third School of Magic. The Dragon is considered to be a Major Adept in whatever Schools of Magic that he learns.

Dragon Specifics