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Author Topic: Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...  (Read 62 times)

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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:38:04 PM »
On the front page of the Firehawk Games website, you can find the link to the new issue of Libram Novus...

or you can click this link....

Offline Fidoric

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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 02:51:56 PM »
Hi Tim,
I have just get may copy yesterday. I will read it this WE but after a quick look, it seems a superb LN issue to me with plenty of varied and detailed options.
I will read it through next WE with a particular attention to the expanded action points system and (of course)n the revised combat styles.
Thanks for this new opus !

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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 12:39:23 PM »
I confirm my first impression, this is a great issue!
The connection option is great, a big incentive for team design and play.

Defense roll: to make things clearer, I would suggest using Spd RR as you base DEF value. I has the additional advantage to give another way to increase you DEF (through Spd RR increase). One question, how do you handle an attack when the defender is not aware of it? Do you attack vs zero or vs a basic 5 ?

Expanded initiative: I LOVE the negative init option. It does not require additional bookkeeping and gives a great interest to set init or reroll init. Someone with a negative init could spend several rounds reeling, dodging and parrying before being able to counter-attack !

Extended spell failure: I find it strange to have the first snag occur at -20. I would suggest make it happen at -10 as usual and thus maybe suppress the CTN-5 line.

OCR: a cool option but it does not feel 'Novus'. It reminds me of other games.

Saving graces: they make up a pool of limited fate points, don't they?

EAP: I have to play test this but my first feeling is great. This system wrap up initiative, AP and attack speed. That may be a major improvement (IMHO).

Styles: maybe you could go one step further and discard the weapon skills, making each skill a weapon style. You would have to reconsider the discount on combat moves. Giving each 'advanced' style an exclusive benefit is a very good idea and give them another advantage than just a combat moves voucher.


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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 05:19:36 PM »

Defense roll: to make things clearer, I would suggest using Spd RR as you base DEF value. I has the additional advantage to give another way to increase you DEF (through Spd RR increase). One question, how do you handle an attack when the defender is not aware of it? Do you attack vs zero or vs a basic 5 ?

If you reread it, you will see that the Base DEF is actually equal to the Spd Save bonus (i.e. 5 + Spd Bonus), at least starting out. There could be things that affect DEF that do not affect the Speed Save, I phrased it the way I did to make it clear that they are separate things.

As for attacks upon an unaware foe, they would still get a Defense Roll, they just would not get to include their Base DEF - I am sure that you have seen movies where the one guy is sneaking up on somebody to attack them, and the target moves or bends over or does something that throws off the attack -- that is this sort of thing..

Expanded initiative: I LOVE the negative init option. It does not require additional bookkeeping and gives a great interest to set init or reroll init. Someone with a negative init could spend several rounds reeling, dodging and parrying before being able to counter-attack !


Extended spell failure: I find it strange to have the first snag occur at -20. I would suggest make it happen at -10 as usual and thus maybe suppress the CTN-5 line.

Yeah, I will have to fix that.... That was an error on my part. Not on the progression, but on expressing it...  I should have used basic "greater than" and "less than" symbols, not the "greater than or equals to".  If you remove the "or equals to" portion of the equation, then the table is correct (i.e. a result greater than 'CTN-10' means spell failed, and lose 1 Spell Point, while a result equal to CTN-10 would fall under the next row down actually...). Sorry for the confusion.

OCR: a cool option but it does not feel 'Novus'. It reminds me of other games.

I know, but it was included for those who want a slightly different "feel"

Saving graces: they make up a pool of limited fate points, don't they?

EAP: I have to play test this but my first feeling is great. This system wrap up initiative, AP and attack speed. That may be a major improvement (IMHO).

Styles: maybe you could go one step further and discard the weapon skills, making each skill a weapon style. You would have to reconsider the discount on combat moves. Giving each 'advanced' style an exclusive benefit is a very good idea and give them another advantage than just a combat moves voucher.

I don't think so.... going that direction means that each and every weapon would have its own specific skill, and  I went with Weapon Groups to specifically AVOID that. I think having a skill for a related group of weapons, and then requiring a separate specific skill for more advanced training with that specific weapon is a pretty good system.

Now, is the way I have it setup perfect? Nope, not by a long shot, but it closer than I have played under other systems. At least, as far as I am concerned....

The style abilities -- I do like them, and I like the idea of including them. I would want more feedback before I decide to change it from an option to errata.....

Offline bucephalos

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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2014, 05:32:03 PM »
LN#8 is excellent as always.  I'm in the midst of prepping for my game (I'm the GM) when I visit my family this summer, so I've been making up characters, studying the rules, playing some mock battles etc.

I wanted to chime in on combat styles, as I feel this is the single hairiest bit of the ruleset at this point.   Part of it is that it feels like a bit of terminology overload, with too many similar words used for things which are different things - combat skills, combat styles, combat moves.  For me, the rules would stick to my aging brain better if they had names like 'weapon skills', 'combat styles', and 'maneuvers' or something like that. There's lots of options obviously and I see that the higher level abstraction of 'combat skills' encompassing both styles and regular weapon (group) skills is useful in character generation ("pick any 3 combat skills as favored", etc).    I also really like the style abilities, and feel like they're necessary to make combat styles desirable for a player (from an optimization standpoint, which they're going to least my crowd).

That said, I'm pretty much perplexed by the Sword & Board style ability in LN#8.  It seems to be more or less a repeat of Shield Bash, I'm not clear on the AP cost to use it, and I'm also not clear if this is supposed to be an extra move that the player can use in the same round as making a normal attack or instead of a normal attack.

As Novus is so incredibly hackable, I'm considering making the S&B style ability simply that a character with this style doesn't lose their shield DEF bonus on any round that they use a combat move that normally includes that as a consequence  -- Shield Bash, Shield Parry, Shield Ram.  I'm not sure if that's overpowered or not, but it's simple and it does still require that the CPs spent on the combat moves to be useful, which seems appropriate.

I've not tested this tweak at all, so any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated.


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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2014, 05:40:38 PM »
It could be that your suggestion is a better way to go... after all, I am far from perfect and can easily make mistakes. 


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Libram Novus #8 -- Now Available...
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2014, 04:14:07 AM »

That said, I'm pretty much perplexed by the Sword & Board style ability in LN#8.  It seems to be more or less a repeat of Shield Bash, I'm not clear on the AP cost to use it, and I'm also not clear if this is supposed to be an extra move that the player can use in the same round as making a normal attack or instead of a normal attack.

The special ability allows the character to also make attacks with the shield in the same round as his weapon, with the same modifiers as TWC uses. Okay, 2 attack with 2 different weapons. Therefore, you use the AP requirements for "Multiple Weapon Attacks in 1 Round" from the AP cost table in Novus.

As Novus is so incredibly hackable, I'm considering making the S&B style ability simply that a character with this style doesn't lose their shield DEF bonus on any round that they use a combat move that normally includes that as a consequence  -- Shield Bash, Shield Parry, Shield Ram.  I'm not sure if that's overpowered or not, but it's simple and it does still require that the CPs spent on the combat moves to be useful, which seems appropriate.

Okay, I will admit that I wasn't as clear as I thought I was, but look at the last sentence of the first paragraph of the Special Ability:

The character will retain his shield's normal
bonus to his DEF when making an attack, but only against
the foe that he is attacking.

This means that he DOES retain his shield bonus to DB when attacking using any of the Combat Moves listed (I likely should have been more explicit in saying so). The Style ability over-rides the negative modifier against DB given in the description of the Combat Move (i.e. this is way taking the style is better than just learning the Moves, and then using high AB to divide into separate attacks).

Sorry for the confusion...