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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

Lvl: 10 Hits: 107 Move: 15’
DEF: 19 AR: 15  
Attacks: 22 Bite (11); 22 Claws (13); Gaze*
Stats: Chr: 11(0)/5; Con: 15(1)/6; Dex: 10(0)/5;
  Int: 2(-3)/2; Spd: 13(1)/6; Str: 25(5)/10;
  Will: 13(1)/6; Wis: 12(0)/5
Skills: Perc. (17); Stealth (11); Tracking (12)
Size: 10’-12’ long; 1400-2000 lbs
# Enc: 1
  • Immune to venoms & poisons
  • Petrification Gaze*: usable once per round on foe within 10’ – Save vs. Will to avoid meeting its gaze. If you meet its gaze, Save vs. Con or be turned to stone for 20-200 days.


Basilisks are large lizard-like creatures that somewhat resemble wingless dragons at a distance. However, their bodies are more sinuous than that of a Dragon, and the Basilisk never has any horns or other protrusions. Additionally, the skin of the Basilisk is made of much smaller scales than those of a Dragon and is more like the skin of a snake.

Basilisks are not very intelligent, and often unaware of the destruction their presence wreaks. Basilisks are not immune to their own Gaze ability. Also, any possessions carried or held by the target of the Gaze attack are also transformed to stone.

Myths & Legends

It is widely believed that the petrification caused by the Basilisk is permanent. If the statue created by the Basilisk’s Gaze is damaged, the petrification will be permanent. However, if the statue is repaired, then it can return to its original form when the petrification wears off.

It is also rumored that a cup of Basilisk blood poured over a Basilisk created statue can also restore it to life. This is true, so long as the statue is intact.