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Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

Lvl: 6 Hits: 71 Move: 10’
DEF: 20 AR: 10  
Attacks: 17 Claws (9)
Stats: Chr: 4(-2)/3; Con: 19(3)/8; Dex: 15(1)/6;
  Int: 10(0)/5; Spd: 16(2)/7; Str: 17(2)/7;
  Will: 10(0)/5; Wis: 16(2)/7
Skills: Perc. (10); Stealth (9); Tracking (20)
Size: 4’-6’; 130-200 lbs
# Enc: 1-10

Garun are bat-like humanoid creatures with large, flat noses and sharp claws. They have no wings, and their arms end in wicked claws. Garun are excellent trackers and hunters, able to trace prey over long distances and extremely adverse conditions.

When summoned, Garun will only perform services that involve the hunting of prey, or fighting a Demon, which it will do gladly. Any other commands will be met with the Garun attempting its best to twist the command in some fashion.

Garun make up the bulk of devilish armies much like Goatmen make up the bulk of demonic armies. However, the Garun are much more disciplined and willing to fight for more powerful Devils, and don’t require the same sort of oversight that Goatmen require.