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Author Topic: Encounter at Far Point  (Read 590 times)

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Encounter at Far Point
« on: January 28, 2014, 06:44:53 PM »

Offline Fidoric

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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2014, 09:21:02 PM »
I am very happy to see you are still working on Tyrlon Tim. I like the way you are proceeding from a detail to a large picture (bottom-up is the right term I think). I think it's the best way to build consistent settings though I have rarely the patience for that.


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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2014, 09:36:04 PM »
have no idea if I design top down or bottom up (more likely a mix of the two), as I tend to go form general ideas and drill down to details, but then in some instances, I start with details and then work outwards from there (like a ripple effect).

But the main thing is that I like consistency as well, at least internal consistency.....

For example, in the timeline, They built the main city first, they then started clearing monsters from their lands, and then once a few smaller towns and villages sprung up, they started planning the next town (meanwhile, the dwarves are planning/building their own town), and while the Bruma Rangers were searching for dangerous things to get rid of, the Dwarves (while also searching for a place to put their own city) were looking for passes through the mountains and closing them, to keep nasty things out...

And during this period explorers were going out to explore beyond the mountains (very few returned), and they encountered the Orcs (do NOT enter Orc territory, or they will kill you, but if you meet them outside their territory, they will be... not polite or social, but at least nice enough that you don't want to kill them... (and everytime they visit, they inspect the Wall as well.... so that they can build their own along the edges of their territory). And some stay in the town (and visit the brothels, and sire half-breed young, which are left with the mothers) for a while, even learning trades, to better their own tribes...

Anyways... I think you get the idea... hehe


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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 05:09:00 PM »
ok, I have crunched some numbers and here are some of the results -- giving a basic overview of what I am thinking will be in this town....

Garrison - 1 (4 buildings, 400 soldiers -- that is 2 companies, and a HQ detachment)
Innkeepers - 2 (15 people)
Taverns - 3 (20 people)
Clothiers - 2 (15 people)
Apothecary - 1 (5 people)
Physician - 2 (10 people)
Leather Worker - 3 (20 people)
Weapon Crafter - 2 (20 people)
Wood Crafter - 3 (45 people in total)
Blacksmith - 3 (20 people)
Chandler - 2 (10 people)
Ostlers - 2 (20 people)
Customs - 1 (15 people)
Miller - 2 (10 people)
Mason - 2 (20 people)
Courtesans - 3 (80 people)
Lexographer - 1 (5 people)
Embalmer - 1 (5 people)
Thieve's Guild - 1 (30 people)
Locksmith - 1 (5 people)
Potter -  2 (15 people)
Jeweler - 1 (10 people)
City Hall - 1 (30 people)
Town Guard - 1 (90 people)
Guild Hall - 1 (10 people)
Mage Guild - 1 (10 people)
Miscellaneous - ?? (85 people)

Total ~1,000 permanent inhabitants...
(exlcuding traders, caravans, adventurers, etc..

The Wall is going to be about 15' thick, and 30' high. It is a total of approximately 7 miles in length, and will have one tower (50' high) at each end, and then another tower about every mile along its length.

There is 1 tower just north of the river, and the town will be just south of the river, with the gate through the (the gatehouse is 20' wide, 30' high, and 50' long) about half a mile south of that tower (and about half a mile north of the next one).

Each tower will be manned by 2 squads (half a platoon), putting a company of troops into the towers at any given time. Each platoon spends 2 weeks in their towers before they are relieved. Upon returning to the barracks, they spend 2 weeks manning the gate, and then stand down to barracks duty/training, until their turn to go back out to a tower.

This results in 3 platoons being ready to be used to reinforce any tower that needs it, and no tower is more than 3-4 miles from the garrison, making it easy to send for those re-inforcements when needed.

The biggest danger to the garrisons, are the large predators outside the walls (i.e. carnivorous dinosaurs). that occasionally think  that there is more food on the garrison's side of the wall....

Among the villagers, not only are there folks from the colony who are heading out for adventure, but there is also the occasional trader, including some Orc traders who come from their lands every once in a while (and yes, the Orcs visit the brothels as well -- this being the primary source of any half-orc characters...).  Think of orcs as having personalities similar to how Klingons are depicted in Star Trek. They are a warrior race proud and fierce, but not inherently evil -- although they ARE extremely territorial, and if you enter their lands without permission, your life is forfeit if they catch you. Outside of their territory (and they have good lands, so have no interest in expanding), they will be brash, loud, and perhaps a bit mouthy, but they do not go looking for fights (at least not if you haven't insulted them -- and they have learned the etiquette of bar brawls (no killing)).

Offline AresLunthar

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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2019, 11:57:53 AM »
May I begin adding my own ideas to Far Point?  I am very much a bottom up designer.


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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2019, 04:25:46 PM »
Sure, and then we can see where we can go from there....

Offline AresLunthar

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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2019, 04:43:57 PM »
So, I envision a very military infrastructure with some amenities either surrounding it or very close by.  Almost like 2 towns in one.  I grew up of air force bases and although much of it was self contained, a town was usually a few minutes away.  Far Point might be the "base" and maybe there is a frontier town that services it.  Military type stuff is generally reliant on politics etc. which I don't really want to get into in a snap-shot module, but, I could definitely take a stab at developing a town close by.  Also, one of the ideas from Jenaerika that might be nice to port into Tyrlon is the Legion (Eldagoths elite fighting force) maintains order on the highways.  This would make sense to apply to Far Point too- soldiers keep busy policing and maintaining the road to ensure the East/West flow of goods in addition to patrolling the wall.  But, the towns that pop up along that road are self governed (or at least not policed by the military).  I could see a company town like the Hudson's Bay company used to establish in Upper/Lower Canada being really close by Far Point too.

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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2019, 11:33:37 AM »
How do I insert a pic that can be seen in the body of the text? 


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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2019, 05:05:16 AM »
It would have to be uploaded someplace first.

And then you would put the URL between the img tags

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Encounter at Far Point
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2019, 01:20:53 PM »
seems like more trouble than it's worth....I'll add it as a PDF when I am done..